Saturday, January 15, 2011


We used to worry that Dexter might never talk.  We don't worry about that anymore.  In fact, his language development is pretty much right on track.  He is 27 months old and regularly uses four-word sentences. 

Pronunciation is still amusing, though we are seeing progress there, too.  "Octopus" used to be "Ah-pus," and now it's "Ah-po-pus."  Much closer.

Here's the best I can do on some other translations:

Dah-tur = Dexter
Dez-un = Desmond
Hippa-mayus = hippopotamus
cock-a-boo = Clock is blue (which means it's time for bath!)
baff = bath
eh-pane = airplane

I'll add others as I think of them.  Naturally, I notice them all the time and think, "I should write that down."  And now that I'm writing it down, I came up with six.  Oh well.

Ooh!  A couple more:
moyurt = yogurt
gocki = broccoli

Also, the poor boy can't yet do any s_ blends.  S0, sometimes:
no man = snowman
cary = scary
nake = snake

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