Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dexter's moving up in preschool!

Hi! I'm 4 1/2today, and it is my first day of full-day preschool! I picked out this awesome short-sleeved Hawaiian shirt even though it's 41 degrees, and my pants are on backwards. I am ready. BRING IT!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Desmo drew a triangle!

And Dexter drew a really cool thing!
(A thing with six legs that doesn't eat food but gets its energy to run from that thing on the right.)

This from a kid who, six months ago, all but refused to pick up any writing instrument of any kind. YAY!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bye bye, Emmett. :(

Tonight at bedtime, Desmond was improvising a little dialogue between himself and Biggest Bear. He gave Biggest Bear a kiss, and Biggest Bear said, "That was a really nice kiss, Desmond."

::record scratch::


So I asked Desmond what his name was. For a year or so, the answer has been "Emmen" or "Emment." But not tonight. He said quite clearly, "Desmond. Desmond Cooey."

Between this and his asking me to "open" something instead of "opum" it two weeks ago, I think our cute toddlerisms are slowly but surely on their way to being replaced with properly-pronounced words.

He still says "biiiiikggcshchk" and "frokggschchk" and "bookggschchk," though, so I guess we'll be enjoying that while it lasts.

Friday, June 22, 2012

I've been shopping for a new double stroller, just because ours is really big and heavy and, actually, a little bit broken. Babies R Us doesn't have either double I was interested in, but they had the single versions of each. I brought the boys over there today to sit in them and see how they fit.  After we tried those, we walked over and tried one of the doubles they did have a display for. 

Dexter: I want this one! (the double)

Me: Why?

Dexter: Because I want this one!

Me: Why? What makes this one better than the other ones?

Dexter: Because this one has seats for both of us. I want one with two seats. 


I told him we would definitely get one with two seats, and he was happy. 

So, officially, for the record, Dexter does love his brother. :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Dexter: I did it! (put his underwear on without getting it backwards)

Mom: You sure did. Good job!

Dexter: Yeah. I think I'm starting to turn into a grown up!

Mom: You are?

Dexter: Yeah! Don't you see how big I am getting? (stands up) Look!


Mom: Give me a hug, you almost-grown-up!

Dexter: No! I'm not grown up yet! Stand up.

Mom: (stands up)

Dexter: See? I am not grown up yet.

Mom: But you're getting bigger.

Dexter: Yes.

Glad we got that cleared up. :)