Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fwd: kid report (Mom is traveling for work)

From: Dennis Cooley
Date: December 7, 2011 11:14:04 PM EST
To: Danielle Cooley
Subject: kid report

Last night at 3am I hear Desmond in the kitchen asking for you quite loudly.  I run in there to quiet him down before Dexter wakes up and carry him to our room.  He was asking for something in his little nice guy voice, although quite loud (he had probably been up and talking for a while and I slept through it, so he got louder).  It sounded like broccoli.  So I asked him if he wanted broccoli, and he said "brok-ee?  umhum."  So whatever he was saying wasn't broccoli, but broccoli was an acceptable substitute.
But I knew the only broccoli we had was still frozen, so I talked him into an apple.  Only thing I could think of that he could eat in bed without crumbs and things.  After his approval, I went to the kitchen and peeled and cubed half an apple, put it in a little bowl, and propped him up on your side of the bed.  He was happy and ate all of it (or hid it somewhere - who knows? I was trying to get him to fall asleep by leading by example).
After his snack, Desmond couldn't really get comfortable, but he was mostly laying still.  Around four Dexter just shows up at the door and walks calmly to my side of the bed. I lift him in, and he lays down and proceeds to fall asleep - neither of us said anything.  He only woke slightly a few times when Desmond tried to say hi.

If I understood Melissa correctly, Dexter and Desmond got to nap together today in the twos room - and both napped very well.  I know both got a good nap in, just not positive they were in the same room.

Right before bath we were watching Elmo movie, and I gave them each some water to drink in a big boy cup (last night before bath they couldn't drink enough water after brushing teeth).  Desmond spilled his, mostly on me but some on him and the couch.  I told him not to worry about it, clock was almost blue.  He sat there for another minute then got up and went to the kitchen.  I heard him moving his stool around and though he might have been going for food, but I let him do his thing because clock was almost blue.  Then he shows up at the couch with a hands/face washcloth and proceeds to wipe my leg and the couch with it.

Since he sacrificed Elmo movie time to clean me, I moved bath time back a little.  :)

Gotta go - need to shower.

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