Saturday, October 22, 2011


Since, from these posts, it seems like we never do anything fun on a "regular" day, here are some photos from our trip to the ZOO!!! 

It was a gorgeous day, but - thanks, we think, to that night's scheduled "Boo at the Zoo" activity, it wasn't very crowded. Double-win!

We got off to a bit of a slow start, as Desmond insisted on pushing the stroller. We had parked probably 1/4 to 1/2 mile from the zoo.

Eventually, we reached a compromise to help get us there in a timely fashion.

No way did these little people have enough stamina to see everything, but we did pretty well. One of our first stops was the hippopotamus tank. There are some hippopotami just off camera to the right, but the fish were pretty fascinating.


We also saw some of the other usual suspects - lions, giraffes, and primates, among others. We had lunch by the flamingos. The gorilla statue was pretty fun.

The highlight of the day, however, was the train ride. We need to find a place where you can pay a single fee for unlimited train rides. THAT would be an exciting day.

Desmo waved to everyone he could see.

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