Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Day in the Life

Tootsie said I should post this recap of our adventures this morning. So when you get to the part about giant globs of diarrhea, be sure to tell her that you didn't need to read about that.

Sleep sleeps weren't so hot last night. Desmond slept through the night, though, like a champ. Dexter finally crashed at about 10:00. Woke up at 2:20. Ended up in our bed, where I "slept" on my allotted 8" of mattress for a while, then switched to Dennis's side, then switched back to my space. Dex was kind enough to scoot over 3-4 inches, so I might have gotten a whole foot for the last 2 hours of the night or so.

Dennis had an early morning. Dex woke up almost immediately after he left, probably because Dennis spent 5 minutes trying to be quiet while he filled his pockets with change, keys, his pocket knife, lighter, money clip, and work badge. I got up with him. He ate a banana, which mercifully did not break in half while we were peeling it. While i was brushing my teeth, Dexter decided to go check on Desmond. Thankfully, Desmond was actually already awake, but Dexter seriously does not understand that he is not supposed to go into Desmond's room in the morning. gah. 

Then they argued and whined and argued and whined. So I ran to get dressed quickly so I could get them dressed and to daycare.  They were in my closet on their rocking chairs (which they had fought over) when I went to finish washing my face. Then Dex comes in and says, "I pooped."  I said, "You want to poop on the potty?" (knowing he had already pooped, but I like to ask) Dex stuffs his hand in the back of his diaper and said, "No. I poopy."  Pulled out his hand, which was covered in slimy diarrhea.  Awesome.

So I brought him into our bathroom to wash his hands, strip him down, and start cleaning him up. He had diarrhea all over the back of his shirt and pants and didn't really want to take them off.  Then he was losing patience with my methodical removal of all of his clothes and wiping of residual diarrhea off of his neck and back. He cried, 'I want a new diaper!!!"  Poor kiddo. He NEVER wants a new diaper. 

The whole walk back to his room, he was obsessed with Desmond, who was still in our bathroom playing in the jacuzzi faucet. I finally got Dex cleaned up and went to check the rocking chair. Blech. Globby clumps of diarrhea in a single, significantly-sized pile.  At least it was isolated, as opposed to Desmond's last diarrhea, which he tracked all over the office and living room. 

I sent them both to school anyway. Dexter may well be done with diarrhea for the day, and if he isn't, this will at least buy me enough time for a shower, which I am headed to now.


This is really all much funnier (sadder?) when you get the whole backstory that we have been battling diarrhea from both kids for almost two weeks, despite my best efforts to sterilize everything they touch. In fact, here's an update from June 12 (this past Sunday) to put things into perspective:

Dennis and I spent 2 hours this morning cleaning up vomit and diarrhea. Desmond threw up at some point during the night, then he had a massive diarrhea explosion shortly after breakfast. Dennis found him in the middle of the living room, dripping with diarrhea. My mission then was to find the rest of it, since he had clearly traveled a bit with a leaky diaper. <sigh>  There was a big puddle in the office, and then a trail into the living room.  Managed to get it wiped up, then sprayed the floor with 409 and wiped that up, then got my steam mop out to do some more sterilizing.  Stripped the bed and the changing pad, wiped down the mattress and changing pad and all of the crib slats, put the changing pad cover, crib sheet, crib bumper, and crib mattress pad into the washing machine on HOT, then washed all of the pacifiers with soap & water, then boiled the pacifiers, then finally put on new sheets and a new changing pad cover. 

So, I'm pretty much afraid to send him to daycare tomorrow. Because if he goes and gets sent home, then he is home until at least Wednesday. But if we keep him home tomorrow and he gets better, he can go back on Tuesday. 

Oh, and Dexter had a "loose" poop right as we were finishing cleaning up after Desmond.  Seriously, I have no idea what the heck is making them so sick so often, but I'm ready to sterilize the whole house as though we were bringing home an immunosuppressed chemo patient or something.

I have about 80 hours of work and conference prep to do this week, plus general cooking/cleaning/laundry/bath/bed/etc, so I've got to say I really don't have time for any more diarrhea. :)  And Monday is a firefighting night, of course.  As is Tuesday.

I did some meal planning and am about to get dressed and head to the grocery store. Dennis took both boys to the fire house (with a fully-stocked diaper bag and 2 changes of clothes). Desmond will be more than ready for a nap when they get back. 
See? Fun.  And really, I don't know what parenting hormone it is that makes you want to snuggle and squeeze your babies after you just spent 2 hours cleaning up their diarrhea, but I don't think humankind would have made it very far without it.

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